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Research Project

Some areas require a research project component for the purpose of developing research and writing skills and preparing for the final dissertation. Students may be encouraged to present research at academic conferences or develop work to be published.

Students should begin to work on their research paper by the middle of their second year. In the first stage, students should discuss and develop the idea with their faculty sponsors. Once they have agreed on a topic, the student should submit a paper proposal to the PhD coordinator in February of their second year. Though the project may develop as an offshoot of the student’s work with the sponsor, the expectation is that the paper would be solo-authored and represent the student’s own ideas.

Students must submit first drafts of their papers by September of their third year in the program. Two faculty members other than the sponsor referee the paper as they would a paper for a journal. Students present their paper in the Strategy workshop in the fall of their third year. They are also encouraged to submit their paper for potential presentation at either the Academy of Management or American Sociological Association meetings.