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Navigating the Metaverse: What Leaders Need to Know

by Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth and Tommaso Di Bartolo

The metaverse is the culmination of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and growing digital-first consumerism. And early adopters will gain an advantage that lasts.

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Leadership Forum: Lessons That Stand the Test of Time

Compiled by Karen Christensen

Eight of Canada’s top executives took part in the Rotman CEO Speaker Series this past spring. The eight were among 29 leaders featured in Unprecedented: Canada’s Top CEOs on Leadership During COVID-19, compiled by Steve Mayer (Rotman Commerce ‘91) and Andrew Willis. Following are some highlights from the series.

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Creating Value in the Care Economy

by Laura Lam, Carmina Ravanera and Sarah Kaplan

The pandemic has forced society to recognize that care work is inextricably linked to social and economic outcomes. Prioritizing it will help us all in future crises.

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Redesigning the World

An Interview with Sam Pitroda by Partha Mohanram

Our current world order was designed 75 years ago, after World War II. The time has come for a new paradigm.

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Behavioural Science in the Wild: The Digital Nudge

by Michael Sobolev

Consumer choice, healthy behaviour and workplace productivity are just three areas where Behavioural Science and technology can combine to powerfully influence behaviour.

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Is Your Organization Future-Ready?

by Aaron de Smet, Chris Gagnon and Elizabeth Mygatt

Leaders must seize this unique ‘unfreezing’ opportunity to create new systems and modes of working that are more flexible, resilient — and ultimately, more human.