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Market Research Resources


2. IBISWorld
3. Passport GMID
5. CB Insights (login required; sign up with your U of T e-mail address)
6. SimplyMap (login required to save, can choose guest account to try searching)
7. PMB/Vividata

News/trade articles: ProQuest, Business Source Premier

Competitor lists: Mergent, LexisNexis (Company search instructions here), Capital IQ (Finance Lab)

Entrepreneurship research guide: Researching Your Market

MaRS Market Research (Startup Library)

Associations Canada Directory 

Data and Statistics (includes government data sources)

APA Citation information, including links to Business Citation Guides

Search Tips

Use "" for phrases: "mobile apps"
Try * (wildcard) for alternate endings, i.e. app* = app or apps or application
Boolean operators - AND, OR, NOT to tie information together or to reduce irrelevant hits

mobile apps AND iPhone

mobile apps OR app development

mobile apps NOT heart monitor

Industry research challenges?  Look for broader level reports. Instead of apps for a specific health issue, try mobile apps and health or healthcare.

Getting started with NAICS and SIC codes:

 What are NAICS and SIC codes?  

  • NAICS (North American Industry Classification Standard) and SIC (Standard Industry Classification) are used to classify businesses by industry.  This classification allows for data to be collected by standardized industry codes. 


Holly Inglis, Public Services Librarian
Appointment hours: 9:00- 4:30, Monday - Friday.
In your e-mail, please include:

  • Companies or industries of interest, which geographical region(s) is/are of interest, any specific data (market size, brand shares, etc).  If historical data is needed, please indicate that in your request and include dates (i.e. 2014- present).
  • Where you have searched, which keywords you used, any challenges or issues with information found.