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Working Together

Discover our extended range of offerings, ranging from professional consulting services to student-run initiatives.

Consulting and Research

Research & Consulting

The Lee-Chin Institute offers professional consulting and research services on a fee for service basis. The LCI has worked in consulting projects with leading corporations like the RBC Financial Group (Canada’s largest bank), SunLife, Blackberry and others. Contact us to find out what projects we can work on with you.

Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

Associates of the Lee-Chin Institute are open to speaking engagements in support of sustainability events for the business community and students. Please contact us for opportunities.


Research Grants

Research Grants

The Lee-Chin Institute offers small grants to support Rotman faculty or PhD student research, curriculum development or professional development in the area of corporate sustainability. Proposals are typically due in March of each year and decisions made soon thereafter.

Visit the LCI's Sponsored Research page for more information, and to apply.



Student Projects (ICPs)

The Lee-Chin Institute and The Rotman School of Management work to find complex and engaging sustainability-related consulting projects for students passionate in this field. Please contact us for project opportunities and further information.