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Ideas By Year 2017

Zhong Kim

Professor Chen-Bo Zhong & PhD Student Yeun Joon Kim

Too much structured knowledge hurts creativity, shows Rotman study
Structure organizes human activities and help us understand the world with less effort, but it can be the killer of creativity, concludes a Rotman study. While most management research has supported the idea that giving structure to information makes it easier to cope with its complexity and boosts efficiency, the paper says that comes as a double-edged sword.

Lederman Goldfarb Gans

Professors Mara Lederman, Avi Goldfarb & Joshua Gans

Voting with their Tweets: social media complaints can be alternative to market discipline, Rotman study shows
Nothing inspires consumer frustration quite like an airline flight delay. Researchers from the Rotman School of Management have used those meltdown moments - and the complaints they produce via the social media platform Twitter - to study how consumer "voice" may influence business behaviour.