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Convocation 2024

Convocation is a significant moment in the life of a Rotman student, marking a major personal and academic milestone. This year, Convocation will once again be an in-person ceremony, giving our graduates and the wider university community an opportunity to celebrate this life-changing occasion together.

Day Friday
June 14, 2024

It’s a busy and eventful day, with plenty of activities to engage our graduates, their friends and family, and the wider Rotman School community. And now that these events are being held in-person, expect a heightened atmosphere of excitement, energy and celebration.

Pre-Convocation reception

From 3:30-5:30 graduating students from MMA, MFRM, GDipA, GEMBA-HLS, Rotman-SDA Bocconi GEMBA and MGA - MBA will come together at the Rotman School with their classmates, friends, family, professors, and staff before the ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments.


1:00 to 2:00 pm
Graduating students pick up gowns and line up for procession at Myhal Centre For Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

2:15 pm 
Procession begins from Myhal Center For Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Convocation Hall 

2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Official Conferring of University of Toronto degree with the Chancellor, University President and Special Guests at Convocation Hall

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Post convocation ceremony at the Rotman School of Management.


Meet our Valedictorians

MFRM Valedictorian

Calvin Kendrick

Valedictorian, Master of Financial Risk Management '23
"I could not have asked for a better class with whom to experience this transformational journey."

MMA valedictorian profile

Juandiego Morzán Samamé

Valedictorian, Master of Management Analytics '23
"We built a strong sense of community by sharing a common goal: the vision of reshaping society and enhancing the world through the strength of data and analytics."

Meet the GEMBA valedictorian

Mark Wojcichowsky

Valedictorian, Global Executive MBA '23
“The Global Executive MBA has set me on a course of personal and professional transformation.”

Meet the Evening MBA valedictorian

Muhammad Haris

Valedictorian, Evening MBA '23
“The program gave me the confidence to be myself and give my best in every situation.”

Meet the Morning MBA valedictorian

Christina Linda Chan

Valedictorian, Morning MBA '23
“One of the most important lessons at Rotman is the power of relationships.”

Meet the EMBA valedictorian

Gloria Er-Chua

Valedictorian, Executive MBA '23
"Rotman taught me to dream bigger and gave me the tools to bring that dream to life."

Meet the Master of Finance valedictorian

Daniel Ding

Valedictorian, Master of Finance '23
“We are at a crossroads in our careers and lives.”

Meet the Full-Time MBA valedictorian

Onyinyechi Egunjobi

Valedictorian, Full-Time MBA '23
“The key to living an intentional, successful, and happy life is in the impact you make on others.”

Meet the GEMBA-HLS valedictorian

Cindy Maxwell

Valedictorian, GEMBA-HLS '23
"We have created a new network, vibrant and strong, and I am grateful to be part of it."