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News and events at the Rotman School

Each week, our faculty share their groundbreaking research, published work and their authoritative insight into an exceptionally wide range of management issues. Take a moment to find out what's happening this week at Rotman.

G20 Toronto summit unlikely to achieve major reform, study suggests

May 11, 2010
Coordination of financial regulations makes sense for countries trying to minimize the effects of global financial uncertainty, says a paper...
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Fast food exposure can make us impatient, Rotman paper finds

March 25, 2010
Fast food is not only bad for your body, but may also harm your bank account. Eating habits have shifted dramatically over the last few deca...
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Packing your troubles away actually works, says new Rotman paper

March 24, 2010
Finding it hard to get over a failed love interest? Just can't get details of a bad financial move out of your head? A new study from the Ro...
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Darkness Increases Dishonest Behaviour

March 01, 2010
Psychological scientists Chen-Bo Zhong, Vanessa K. Bohns (both of the Rotman School of Management), and Francesca Gino (University of North ...
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International atudent traders compete at the Rotman School

February 19, 2010
Finance students from around the world will gather at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto for a unique three day tr...
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Schulich MBA Team wins Rotman CSR case competition

February 19, 2010
A team of MBA students from Schulich School of Business atYork University won the fifth annual Rotman International Net Impact Corporate Soc...
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Two aew appointments at Rotman International Centre for Pension Management

February 19, 2010
Two appointments to the Rotman International Center for Pension Management (Rotman ICPM) at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Man...
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HEC Montreal Win Rotman CSR Case Competition

February 17, 2010
A team of MBA students from HEC Montreal won the fourth annual Rotman International Net Impact Corporate Social Responsibility Case Competit...
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PhD Fellowships established at Rotman

February 16, 2010
A professor emeritus at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is honouring four former faculty members who were pivot...
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Rotman Dean Roger Martin reappointed for third term

February 09, 2010
The University of Toronto has announced that Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School of Management, will serve a third term as dean beginnin...
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For more information

Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
Voice 416.946.3818

Rajeev Perera
Coordinator, Events Communications and Media
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto

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