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Women and the MBA: Women's Panel - Work-Life Balance

A panel discussion on ensuring work-life balance while earning the MBA

Event Details

Panel Discussion

3 women and a quote from each
Date: Wednesday July 11, 2018 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Topic: Women and the MBA: Women's Panel - Work-Life Balance

Rotman School of Management

105 St. George Street

Location: Toronto
Cost: Free
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Women and the MBA: Have you ever wondered how people manage to do an MBA and have a work/life balance all at the same time?


Attend this panel session to hear from current female students and alumni on how they ensure work/life balance whilst succeeding in their academic studies.


Panelists include:

  • Jashneet Duffy (Evening MBA 2015), Program Delivery Lead, TD Securities Change Delivery;
  • Rachel Huckle (Global Executive MBA, 2017), Senior Vice President, Health and Wellness at Shoppers Drug Mart; and
  • Sara Wolfe (Executive MBA, 2017), RM and  Founding Partner, Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto.

The panel will be moderated by the Assistant Director for the Professional MBA programs.


Work/life balance applies to all genders, and this event is open to all audiences. 


The evening will conclude with an opportunity to network. 



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