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Experience an MBA Sample Class

Find out what it's like to participate in an MBA class at Canada's leading business school

Event Details

Sample Class

Date: Monday August 13, 2018 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Topic: Experience an MBA Sample Class

Rotman School of Management
105 St. George Street

Location: Toronto
Cost: Free; registration required
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One of the distinct advantages of the MBA is that candidates bring a wealth of experience into the classroom. It is the job of the instructor to facilitate the conversation to draw upon those experiences and outline where and how they relate to the topics and subjects discussed. They typically do this by using a “case-method” approach to teaching - a tried and true method of engagement used in business schools to encourage participation and provide a deeper learning experience for participants.

In this session, you will experience learning in the true Socratic teaching style, while analyzing a recent case study or topic.

While no preparation is required, please come prepared to participate in the discussion so that you can experience why the MBA environment produces such an outstanding educational opportunity for candidates.

Featuring Richard C. Powers, who served for 5 years as the Associate Dean and Executive Director of the Rotman MBA and Master of Finance Programs 

As well, members of our Professional MBA Admissions team will be on hand to answer questions about admission requirements and the application process for our suite of MBA programs.



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