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Coffee Chat Pre-Assessment: at Rotman

Continue to work while you earn your MBA at Canada's leading business school

Event Details

Coffee Chat | Pre-Application Meeting

Date: Friday August 24, 2018 | 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Topic: Coffee Chat Pre-Assessment: at Rotman

Rotman School of Management
105 St. George Street


How to prepare for your coffee chat pre-assessment:

  • Read about the One-Year Executive MBA program and be prepared to discuss how it aligns with your career goals
  • Please bring your resume 
  • Please bring your transcripts (unofficial or official)
  • Please bring any relevant test scores (If you've not yet written the required test(s), bring your study plan)


**Please enclose your resume/CV with your coffee chat request.**

Location: Toronto
Cost: Free
Register Now

Looking to build your strategic decision-making and leadership skills?

Meet with one of Rotman's Assistant Directors of Professional MBA & Specialized Programs for a one-on-one chat about Rotman's One-Year Executive MBA program for working professionals and an initial, informal review of your qualifications.


**Please enclose your resume/CV with your coffee chat pre-assessment request - thank you!**



Questions? Contact us anytime

One-Year Executive MBA
Recruitment & Admissions Team
Tel: +1.416.946.3022

Read our Admissions blog

Submit Your Resumefor Pre-Assessment

We will contact you to discuss your experience, career goals, and