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10 Shifts Making Waves Across Industries

by Patrick Simon, Dana Maor and Patrick Guggenberger

Leaders must embrace and address 10 waves of change that have significant implications for organizational structures, processes and people.

Anne Hilton

Thought Leader Interview: Carol Anne Hilton

Interview by Karen Christensen

The founder of the Indigenomics Institute describes how the Indigenous worldview is critical to our collective future.

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Is AI an Existential Threat?

Gillian Hadfield, Pedro Domingos and Jérémie Harris speak to Steve Paikin

Many people were surprised by the March 2023 open letter from tech leaders requesting a moratorium on AI development. Three thought leaders debate whether or not AI is an existential threat to humanity.

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The Pros and Cons of Over-Arguing

by Rhia Catapano

In the realm of persuasion, people generally believe that more is better. But that isn’t always true: Over-arguing can also trigger a negative response.

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The Microstress Effect

by Rob Cross and Karen Dillon

There is a palpable crisis of well-being today. But there is also a powerful antidote: identify and eliminate some of the ‘microstresses’ in your life.

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AI Adoption in American Business

by Kristina McElheran
A lack of comprehensive data on AI use by firms has left its adoption and implications poorly understood. My colleagues and I recently set out to fill in some of the blanks.